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Tuesday, 7 December 2010

How many marks do you get for evaluation?

9 marks out of 25 are available for evaluation
Make diagrams at least 1/3 of a page.  Ensure that they are fully labelled! Make direct reference to them in the essay or they score ZERO!  Evaluate their limitations!

For AS and for part one at A2 you must make direct reference to the text - this means you quote a short RELEVANT piece - failure to do this means loss of marks!

Don't waffle - fully explain examples to make your analysis clear.   Then evaluate the extent to which it applies to the qustion.

At the end of the essay, you need at least one evaluative paragraph.  Look at the question and the evaluative comments made throughout the essay, then directly answer the question.

TWIST factors - how might one factor make this different? e.g. Government has little money, therefore the measures not affordable.  They could do it, but it takes time, which the firm / govenment/ person does not have therefore... etc, etc.  The impact of the measure depends on the PED, XED, YED, PES etc.

Finish your essay and smile!


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